Respuesta :

Answer: The model, which is air tight, represents the thorax, and air is only able to enter via the glass tube which represents the trachea.

As the rubber sheet is pulled down the volume of the jar increases, the pressure therefore decreases and air is drawn in through the glass tube inflating the balloons, which represent the lungs.

There are a number of similarities and differences between the model and the actual respiratory system.

Glass tube/tracheaAllows air to pass through, splits into twoGlass is rigid and inflexible unlike the cartilage bound trachea

Bell jar/chest cavityAir tightUnable to move, the ribs can move up and out to increase the volume of the thorax

Balloons/lungsCan inflate and deflate, are elastic like the alveoliThe balloons are large open spaces whereas the lungs are made up of millions of individual elastic alveoli

Rubber sheet/diaphragmCan be domed up to decrease the volume in the jarThe diaphragm only flattens, it is not pulled downwards like the rubber sheet.

The glass jar fail to function as a rib cage in the breathing mechanism​ as a

result of it being fixed.

The rib cage helps to protect the lungs which is the main organ for

respiration. During inhalation, the lungs bring in oxygen and give out

carbondioxide during exhalation.

The rib cage moves up and out during inhalation and moves down and in

during exhalation in animals. The glass jar in the experiment is however fixed and exhibits no movement which makes it fail its function in the breathing mechanism​