
1-How did the Hundred Years' War contribute to the decline of the medieval era?
A-it encouraged kingdoms to look to explore other lands
B-it initiated reform within the church that weekend the Papacy.
C-it led to the collapse of the feudal system
D-It depressed wages and earnings from trade across the continent.

2-how did the second great schism help lead to the end of medieval Europe?
A-it caused people to question the authority of the church
B-it created fertile ground for the black death to spread
C-it provided a reason for the church to translate the Bible into many languages
D-it led reformers such as Hus and Wycliffe to leave the church

Respuesta :

The correct answers are 1)C The medieval era was the age of feudalism, a system that was already declining after the Black Death, but was rapidly being removed after this War (leading to the supremacy of royalty and more "democratic" tendencies); 2)A The Medieval Age was focused on the Church's/Pope's huge and unquestioned influence (on par with the kings' power at the time); answers b. and. c. are almost senseless regarding the quesiton itself, D. led the way to Protestantism and other religious branches, but it was the self-awareness that people acquired, that mainly led to the end of Medieval Era.