Respuesta :


Nome Alaska is spelled like Nome, Alaska. An is supposed to be a, and all most should be almost. Wasnt is supposed to have an apostrophe like this ' balto is supposed to be capitalized because its a name threw is supposed to be through because they are going  through something. Also saveing is spelled wrong is "saving". And lead is supposed to be led. And return is supposed to be returned. 2 in February is supposed to be 2nd.

Answer and Explanation:

1. First line, an change to a

2. Second line, change all most to almost

3. Third line, wasnt to wasn't

4. Fourth line, balto to Balto

5. Fourth line, lead to led

6. Fifth line, threw to through

7. First line, add a comma after Nome

8. Fifth line, ad "nd" to 2, to become 2nd

9. Sixth line, return to returned

10. id.k, but I think a comma after Balto

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