Why was the fact that George Washington was elected unanimously so important?
Question 1 options:

It paved the way for other unanimous elections.

It was unique, and it indicated how much respect and popularity he had gained.

It meant that he would be president forever.

It meant that he had voted for himself.
Question 2 (1 point)
Which of the following was not a precedent set by President George Washington?

Question 2 options:

He established dignity in office.

He formed the cabinet.

He lived in the White House.

He served only two terms.
Question 3 (1 point)
Who was the father of the Federalist party and served as first secretary of the treasury?
Question 3 options:

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson

Alexander Hamilton

Thomas Hobbes
Question 4 (1 point)
Who was the father of the Democratic-Republican party and served as first secretary of the state?
Question 4 options:

Alexander Hamilton

Thomas Hobbes

Thomas Jefferson

John Adams
Question 5 (1 point)
Who was the second president of the United States?
Question 5 options:

George Washington

Alexander Hamilton

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson
Question 6 (1 point)
Who was the third U.S. president?
Question 6 options:

John Adams

Richard Henry Lee

John Marshall

Thomas Jefferson
Question 7 (1 point)
What was the significance of the Louisiana Purchase?
Question 7 options:

It tripled the size of the United States.

It doubled the size of the United States.

It resulted in the admission of five new states into the union.

It drew the U.S. into the war between England and France.
Question 8 (1 point)
Who was the U.S. president during the war of 1812?
Question 8 options:

John Adams

James Madison

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson
Question 9 (1 point)
Which of the following gives two reasons for the War of 1812?
Question 9 options:

Americans wanted Indian held lands in the west; France and Britain declared war on the U.S.

The English remained in western forts; American sailors were being pressed (impressment) into service aboard British ships.

Americans wanted Spanish territory; Britain declared war on Spain.

French ships were attacking American ports; Indians were attacking western settlements.
Question 10 (1 point)
What were some important outcomes of the War of 1812?
Question 10 options:

France and other European countries lost their respect for the United States; the United States gained a lot of territory west of the Rockies.

The United States became more respected; Americans were proud of their country (Era of Good Feelings)

The United States decided to get involved in European affairs; all American ports were closed to trade

Britain remained hopeful it would some day retake its former colonies; Americans kept their sights on Canada for colonization.
Question 11 (1 point)
What was the major message of the Monroe Doctrine?
Question 11 options:

Americans could no longer move westward.

All trade between Europe and Asia had to pass through the Americas.

A warning to European countries not to colonize in the American continents.

Spain and Great Britain had to completely withdraw from North America.
Question 12 (1 point)
Which helped George Washington in his first term as the first president of the United States?
Question 12 options:

He was elected unanimously and had the universal respect of the country.

He made his advisers pledge not to argue about how the government should be run.

He had studied the policies of presidents in other democratic governments.

He could legally abolish all national debt that existed before his election.
Question 13 (1 point)
Which were not states formed from territory gained in the Louisiana Purchase?

Question 13 options:

Arkansas, Iowa, Oklahoma

New York, Massachusetts, Vermont

North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota

Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska
Question 14 (1 point)
Which accurately describes the term judicial review?

Question 14 options:

The Supreme Court can declare laws unconstitutional.

Congress can overturn Supreme Court decisions.

The Supreme Court can overturn executive vetoes.

The president can fire Supreme Court justices
Question 15 (1 point)
Who were Lewis and Clark?
Question 15 options:

surveyors of the nation's capital

heroes of the War of 1812

War Hawks who convinced President James Madison to go to war

leaders of the expedition to explore the Louisiana Territory
Question 16 (1 point)
Which constitutional right did the Alien and Sedition Act violate from John Adams?

"­Made it a crime to publish “false, scandalous, and malicious writing” about the government or its officials"
Question 16 options:

freedom of the press

right to trial by jury

right to bear arms

freedom of religion
Question 17 (1 point)
Who was in favor of the creation of the National Bank?

Question 17 options:

Ben Franklin

Alexander Hamilton

Thomas Jefferson

George Harrison

Respuesta :


Question 1- It was unique, and it indicated how much respect and popularity he had gained.

Question 2- He lived in the White House.

Question 3- Alexander Hamilton

Question 4- Thomas Jefferson

Question 5- John Adams

Question 6- Thomas Jefferson

Question 7- its either It doubled the size of the United States.  or It resulted in the admission of five new states into the union. but im leaning towards It doubled the size of the United States.

Question 8- James Madison

Question 9- The English remained in western forts; American sailors were being pressed (impressment) into service aboard British ships.

Question 10- The United States became more respected; Americans were proud of their country (Era of Good Feelings)

Question 11- A warning to European countries not to colonize in the American continents.

Question 12- He was elected unanimously and had the universal respect of the country.

Question 13- New York, Massachusetts, Vermont

Question 14- The Supreme Court can declare laws unconstitutional.

Question 15- leaders of the expedition to explore the Louisiana Territory

Question 16- freedom of the press

Question 17- Alexander Hamilton


Oh yeah I don’t know ‍♂️ is a good idea lol