25.82 is my answer in two decimal places
numbers above 4 are rounded to add 1
while numbers below 4 are rounded to add zero
from the last 5... round to add 1 to 2 before it
then the 2 +1 becomes 3
the 3 is rounded to add zero to 1, before it
then 1 +0 is still 1
then 1 is rounded to add zero to 6
then 6+0 is still 6
6 is then rounded to add 1 to 1
then 1+1 becomes 2, which is rounded to add zero to 9
then 9 is rounded to add 1 to 8
the the 8+1 becomes 9, which is rounded to add 1 to 3
then 3+1 becomes 4, which is rounded to add zero to 2.
stops here, since it's to two decimal places
answer is 25.82