in a bizarre but harmless accident, a watermelon fell from the top of the Eiffel Tower. How fast was the watermelon traveling when it hit the ground 7.80 seconds after falling?

Respuesta :

Gravity increases the speed of a falling object by 9.8 m/s for
every second that it falls.  If the object fell from rest (zero m/s),
then after 7.8 seconds, its speed was

             (7.8 sec) x (9.8 m/s²)  =  76.44 m/s  .

Answer: 76.44m/s


The watermelon is falling under gravity with negligible air resistance.

Therefore the equation of free falling objects for velocity is given by:

V2= V1 + gt

But V1=0m/s because the watermelon started from rest at the top of Effiel tower.

V2= 0 + (9.9m/s × 7.80seconds)

V2= 0 + 76.44

V2= 76.44m/s