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The butterfly stroke is an undulating motion that combines arm movement and a dolphin kick. The arm movement includes a pull, push, and recovery, while the dolphin kick involves a small kick followed by a bigger kick. You’ll take a breath at the end of the recovery phase, every few strokes.

Arm Movement

Extend your arms above your head. Pull hands toward your body in a semicircle, with palms outward.

Push your palms backward. Pull your arms along your sides and past your hips. Do this move quickly to complete the arm release.

Recover. Finish the pull by dragging thumbs on your thighs as you finish the stroke. Then sweep arms out of the water at the same time and throw them forward to the starting position.

Dolphin Kick

Do the initial small kick. While making the signature keyhole shape with your arms, perform a small kick.

Complete the motion with a big kick. During the recovery phase with your arms, make a big kick.

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