7. Use the concepts of relative abundance and relative weight to explain why carbon has an atomic mass of 12.011 amu when there are three isotopes of carbon weighing 12 amu, 13 amu and 14 amu. Why is the atomic mass not 13?

Respuesta :

The  uncertainties  of  the  delta  measurements  and  the  uncertainty  of  the  atomic  weight  derivedfrom  the  best  measurement  of  isotopic  abundances  constrain  the  number  of  significant  figures  in  theatomic-weight values of the upper and lower bounds. For carbon, the fifth digit after the decimal pointis uncertain because of the uncertainty value of 0.000 027. Therefore, the number of significant digitsin the atomic-weight value is reduced to four figures after the decimal point. The Commission may rec-ommend  additional  conservatism  and  reduce  the  number  of  significant  figures  further.  For  the  lowerbound of carbon, 12.009 635 is truncated to 12.0096. For an upper bound, the trailing digit is increasedto ensure the atomic-weight interval encompasses the atomic-weight values of all normal materials. Inthe case of carbon, the upper bound is adjusted from 12.011 532 to 12.0116 to express four digits afterthe decimal point. The lower and upper bounds are evaluated so that the number of significant digits ineach  is  identical.  If  a  value  ends  with  a  zero,  it  may  need  to  be  included  in  the  value  to  express  therequired number of digits. The following are examples of lower and upper atomic-weight bounds foroxygen that could be published by the Commission in its various tables.


Extracted from" Atomic weights of the elements 2009 (IUPAC Technical Report)"