The Rape of the Lock

by Alexander Pope (excerpt)

And now, unveil'd, the Toilet stands display'd,
Each silver Vase in mystic order laid.
First, rob'd in white, the Nymph intent adores,
With head uncover'd, the Cosmetic pow'rs.
A heav'nly image in the glass appears,
To that she bends, to that her eyes she rears;
Th' inferior Priestess, at her altar's side,
Trembling begins the sacred rites of Pride.
Unnumber'd treasures ope at once, and here
The various off'rings of the world appear;
From each she nicely culls with curious toil,
And decks the Goddess with the glitt'ring spoil.
This casket India's glowing gems unlocks,
And all Arabia breathes from yonder box.
The Tortoise here and Elephant unite,
Transformed to combs, the speckled, and the white.

Identify the intended meaning of each of the following phrases from the excerpt.

1. "a heav'nly image" =
a. the apparition of a goddess
b. the reflection of the sylph Ariel
c. Belinda's reflection in the mirror
d. Belinda's image of her suitor

2. "all Arabia breathes" =
a. a piece of satin from Arabia
b. perfume imported from Arabia
c. spices of Arabia
d. a book of Arabian tales

3. "The Tortoise here and the Elephant" =
a. combs of a variety of shapes and sizes
b. a box with impressions of tortoises and elephants
c. different colored boxes holding cosmetic accessories
d. combs made from tortoise shell and elephant tusk

Respuesta :

Not 100% on these answers.


1:  c. Belinda's reflection in the mirror.

Explanation: Belinda's beauty session in her toilette is playfully displayed as a religious rite in this part of the poem. She is the priestess and her reflection in the mirror is the goddess she worships.

2. b. Perfume imported from Arabia.

Explanation: The verb "breathe" is obviously related to air and perfumes imported from Arabia were well-known objects of luxury.

3. d. Combs made from tortoise shell and elephant tusk.

Explanation: The line "transformed to combs" made it very clear, at least for the readers of that time, when plastic had not been invented and combs were usually made of tortoise shell and ivory.