It is easy to subtract fractions by converting them into decimals first. To convert is numerator divided by denominator. So, 10 1/2 would be 10.5 and 8 3/4 would be 8. 75. Now, you can subtract them. Start at the hundredth place so subtract 5 from 0 ( because 10.5 can also be 10.50) so it would be 5. Next, 5 -7 ( so you borrow 1 from 10 so 5 would become 15 and 10 is 9) is 7. Last, subtract your whole number. 9 - 8 = 1. So, your answer would be 1. 75. To convert it to fraction, you need to write it as 1 75/ 100 and simplify it which is 1 3/4. So, Carla's plant is 1 3/4 inches taller than Yolanda's plant Hope it helps!!!!