The rising global temperatures will lead to an increase in sea levels.
The rise of global temperatures is a natural process that has been occurring numerous times during Earth's past. What is different in the current one though is that humans also have an impact on it and have managed to speed up the process with their activity. Every increase or decrease of global tempeartures results in big changes.
With global temperatures rising, the cryosphere (ice surfaces) will decrease due to melting. How much will the ice surfaces decrease can't be predicted, but even if it's one third or one half of them, the sea levels will rise because they will get huge amounts of water from their melting. This will result in rising in sea levels and that will mean that a lot of the human population will need to migrate and a lot of the biggest cities in the world will be underwater. Such is the case with New Orleans, but also the big cities in the northeast of the United States. Not just cities though, but there are countries that can totally or almost totally be underwater, with the Netherlands, the Baltic States, many Pacific nations being among the most damaged.