Respuesta :


#Implementation of Two Player Tic-Tac-Toe game in Python.

''' We will make the board using dictionary  

   in which keys will be the location(i.e : top-left,mid-right,etc.)

   and initialliy it's values will be empty space and then after every move  

   we will change the value according to player's choice of move. '''

theBoard = {'7': ' ' , '8': ' ' , '9': ' ' ,

           '4': ' ' , '5': ' ' , '6': ' ' ,

           '1': ' ' , '2': ' ' , '3': ' ' }

board_keys = []

for key in theBoard:


''' We will have to print the updated board after every move in the game and  

   thus we will make a function in which we'll define the printBoard function

   so that we can easily print the board everytime by calling this function. '''

def printBoard(board):

   print(board['7'] + '|' + board['8'] + '|' + board['9'])


   print(board['4'] + '|' + board['5'] + '|' + board['6'])


   print(board['1'] + '|' + board['2'] + '|' + board['3'])

# Now we'll write the main function which has all the gameplay functionality.

def game():

   turn = 'X'

   count = 0

   for i in range(10):


       print("It's your turn," + turn + ".Move to which place?")

       move = input()        

       if theBoard[move] == ' ':

           theBoard[move] = turn

           count += 1


           print("That place is already filled.\nMove to which place?")


       # Now we will check if player X or O has won,for every move after 5 moves.  

       if count >= 5:

           if theBoard['7'] == theBoard['8'] == theBoard['9'] != ' ': # across the top


               print("\nGame Over.\n")                

               print(" **** " +turn + " won. ****")                


           elif theBoard['4'] == theBoard['5'] == theBoard['6'] != ' ': # across the middle


               print("\nGame Over.\n")                

               print(" **** " +turn + " won. ****")


           elif theBoard['1'] == theBoard['2'] == theBoard['3'] != ' ': # across the bottom


               print("\nGame Over.\n")                

               print(" **** " +turn + " won. ****")


           elif theBoard['1'] == theBoard['4'] == theBoard['7'] != ' ': # down the left side


               print("\nGame Over.\n")                

               print(" **** " +turn + " won. ****")


           elif theBoard['2'] == theBoard['5'] == theBoard['8'] != ' ': # down the middle


               print("\nGame Over.\n")                

               print(" **** " +turn + " won. ****")


           elif theBoard['3'] == theBoard['6'] == theBoard['9'] != ' ': # down the right side


               print("\nGame Over.\n")                

               print(" **** " +turn + " won. ****")


           elif theBoard['7'] == theBoard['5'] == theBoard['3'] != ' ': # diagonal


               print("\nGame Over.\n")                

               print(" **** " +turn + " won. ****")


           elif theBoard['1'] == theBoard['5'] == theBoard['9'] != ' ': # diagonal


               print("\nGame Over.\n")                

               print(" **** " +turn + " won. ****")


       # If neither X nor O wins and the board is full, we'll declare the result as 'tie'.

       if count == 9:

           print("\nGame Over.\n")                

           print("It's a Tie!!")

       # Now we have to change the player after every move.

       if turn =='X':

           turn = 'O'


           turn = 'X'        


   # Now we will ask if player wants to restart the game or not.

   restart = input("Do want to play Again?(y/n)")

   if restart == "y" or restart == "Y":  

       for key in board_keys:

           theBoard[key] = " "


if __name__ == "__main__":



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