You will submit the final draft of your informational article. You will also submit your “Works Cited” page.

View the grading rubric as you complete your assignment. This is your guide to a super submission.
Read your article aloud. Revise informal language, improve syntax and coherence, and correct any errors in conventions.
Reflect on your writing. Polish as needed.
Complete and submit your works Cited Page. See the lesson on Citing Sources and the Writer’s Workshop for the correct format.
Save your work to your computer or drive.
Submit your work in 02.12 Ready To Publish.

Heroic Submission!

Still needs some power


____ I clearly used a hook to introduce the topic and capture readers’ interest.

____ I clearly included general information to inform my reader on my topic.

____ I clearly used a thesis that states the idea I want to prove.


____ I partially used a hook to introduce the topic and capture readers’ interest.

____ I partially included general information to inform my reader on my topic.

____ I partially used a thesis that states the idea I want to prove.

Body paragraph 1

____ My topic sentence clearly relates to my thesis.

____ Facts clearly support my topic sentence.


____ My topic sentence partially relates to my thesis.

____ Facts partially support my topic sentence.

Body paragraph 2

____ My topic sentence clearly relates to my thesis.

____ Facts clearly support my topic sentence.


____ My topic sentence partially relates to my thesis.

____ Facts partially support my topic sentence.

Body paragraph 3

____ My topic sentence clearly relates to my thesis.

____ Facts clearly support my topic sentence.


____ My topic sentence partially relates to my thesis.

____ Facts partially support my topic sentence.

Conclusion paragraph

____ I clearly rephrased the ideas in my thesis without repeating it word for word.

____ I clearly summarized the main ideas of my body paragraphs in a new way.

____ I clearly included a statement of hope that tells my reader why my ideas are important.


____ I partially rephrased the ideas in my thesis without repeating it word for word.

____ I partially summarized the main ideas of my body paragraphs in a new way.

____ I partially included a statement of hope that tells my reader why my ideas are important.

Signal phrases

____ I clearly used signal phrases throughout the article to identify ideas that were not my own.


____ I partially used signal phrases throughout the article to identify ideas that were not my own.

Direct quote

____ I clearly used at least one direct quote from a source.

____ I clearly punctuated the quote properly.


____ I partially used at least one direct quote from a source.

____ I partially punctuated the quote properly.

Graphic and Link

____ I clearly used a graphic or image that provides support to my thesis.

____ I clearly included a hyperlink or URL address to a resource that provides support to my thesis.


____ I partially used a graphic or image that provides support to my thesis.

____ I partially included a hyperlink or URL address to a resource that provides support to my thesis.

Transitions and Coherence

____I clearly used transition phrases to connect ideas, sentences, and paragraphs.


____I partially used transition phrases to connect ideas, sentences, and paragraphs.

Precise language

____ I clearly used precise language (vocabulary related to the topic) throughout the article.


____ I partially used precise language (vocabulary related to the topic) throughout the article.

Syntax- Sentence variety

____ I clearly used a variety of sentence types throughout the article.


____ I partially used a variety of sentence types throughout the article.

Formal language

____ I clearly used formal language throughout the article.


____ I partially used formal language throughout the article.

Proofreading- Conventions

I clearly proofread my article for:

____ spelling

____ punctuation

____ grammar


I partially proofread my article for:

____ spelling

____ punctuation

____ grammar

Works Cited Page

____ I submitted my Works Cited Page clearly using the correct format.


____ I did not submit my Works Cited Page or submitted it and partially used the correct format.

Total Points