
Image one/ día uno:
☐ Place an image of a city, in Ecuador or Perú, where you arrive.
Below image one:
☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to say you arrive to Ecuador or Perú. (e.g., I arrive at the airport in Santiago, Chile.)

Image two/ día dos :
☐ Place an image of a point of interest in the city that you arrived in first (from day 1).
Below image two:
☐ Write one sentence in Spanish to state a point of interest that you want to get to know. (e.g., I want to get to know El Palacio de la Moneda.)

Image three/ día tres:
☐ Place an image of a point of interest outside of the city (in the country, the beach, the desert, etc.).
Below image three:
☐ Write one sentence in Spanish stating where you are going to travel and how you are going to get there. (e.g., I am going to travel to the Andes Mountains by train.

Place an image of another point of interest outside of the city (in the country, the beach, the desert, etc.).

Below image four:

☐Write one sentence in Spanish using estar or hay, stating where a point of interest is located, something that can be found at a point of interest, and what you can do there. (e.g., There are penguins in La Patagonia, and I can take pictures of them. OR The French Valley is in Torres del Paine, Chile, and I can hike in the mountains.)
Image five/ día cinco:

☐ Place any appropriate image you would like from the country you chose to represent the last day of your trip.

Below image five:

☐ Write one sentence in Spanish using ser and estar, describing your trip or the country using one adjective, and how you feel on the last day of your trip. (e.g., Chile is very fun, and I am very happy with my vacation.)