Pls help asal Coat color in rabbits is inherited by multiple alleles for a single gene. The table describes the alleles and their inheritance.
Coat Color in Rabbits
(coat color)
Would it be possible to obtain a rabbit with Chinchilla coat color if one parent is
white and the other has a Himalayan coat color?
A. Yes, because the c allele is recessive to the caliele
B. Yes, the Himalayan parent rabbit's genotype is do
C. No, because the parents have no alleles for Chinchilla
D. No, becuase the ci ailele is dominant to the challele
Dominant to all
other alles
Dark gray
Chinchilla pattern
of coat color
Dominant to
Himalayan and
Malayan coat
Dominant to write
White (albino)
Recessive to an
other alfetes