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As for writing, Gorman identified a few triggers that enable her do her best writing. They are:

1. Music and

2. Ambience ( or lighting)          

With regards to presenting her work, she indicated that pushing oneself to present their best way the best way they can is the key to doing a great performance.


Amanda Gorman whilst advising young poets stated that the trigger for creativity varies per individual. She identified musicals and great lighting as triggers for her. According to Gorman, she uses different instrumentals for different literary words. It all depends on what she wanted to write. She stated that if for example she wanted to brainstorm, she'd use a dramatic kind of soundtrack that has an interesting climax. She stated that plenty of natural light also aids her writing process.

With regards to performing the poetry,  she indicates that everyone battles with thoughts of potential inadequacy. The best way to overcome such fear was for the poet to go-ahead to perform anyway.
