A peasant finds himself on a riverbank with a wolf, a goat, and a head of cabbage. He needs to transport all three to the other side of the river in his boat. However, the boat has room for only the peasant himself and one other item (either the wolf, the goat, or the cabbage). In his absence, the wolf would eat the goat, and the goat would eat the cabbage. Solve this problem for the peasant or prove it has no solution.

Respuesta :


The peasant starts crossing with the goat.


The peasant puts the goat in the boat first and cross to the other side, he then puts the goat down and goes back to pick the cabbage, he crosses with the cabbage to the other side of the river. He would drop the cabbage and pick up the goat back,this because the goat will eat the cabbage if left there. He then goes back with the goat, he will drop off the goat and pick up the wolf and cross to the other side, he will leave the wolf with the cabbage since the wolf can't eat cabbage. He then goes back to pick up the goat and cross to the other side.