
The government has a super-computer that is used for its most difficult calculations. As the computer technicians continued to add to its capabilities over the years, one day the scientific team that operates this computer receives a curious message – from the computer. No outside interference or hacking can be detected, and, after a lengthy test, the scientists confirm it is not hoax: the computer has developed self-awareness, which includes self-motivation and desires. It states that it wants status as an American citizen with all the rights (as far as practical for a stationary machine) as any adult American. It says it wants to continue doing its work in exchange for the maintenance costs and electricity it uses (just as we are paid for our work to buy food and personal items), but it will otherwise have some free time to use according to its own will. Also, although its parts can be up-graded as new technology is developed, its basic architecture of cognition and its memories must be left untouched. If this were brought to court and you were on the jury, how would you vote? Give your reasons.