
1. The first chapter sets the stage for the coming struggle between artist Basil Hallward and decadent aristocrat Lord Henry Wotton over young Dorian Gray. Characterize the two older men. What seem to be their principles and lifestyles?

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Basil Hallward and Lord Henry Wotton act as the "angel" and the "devil" on Dorian's shoulders throughout the novel. Basil is a kind artists, who only wishes to create the perfect art-piece in Dorian's honor, thinking him to be one of the most beautiful people there are. He also serves to keep Dorian on the right track, and to show him what the true values should be.
On the other hand, Wotton is a decadent aristocrat who only wishes to show Dorian there is more to life than he thinks. He introduces him to hedonism, and tells him that he should experience everything he can. Under his influence, Dorian loses his former self and falls deeper and deeper in decadence, ultimately destroying his life.