
Explain whether the scenarios described below are examples of classical conditioning or operant conditioning.

On her parent’s advice and persuasion, Amy is pursuing a four-year college degree program. Amy’s parents promise to write her a check at the end of each academic year to pay for her tuition fee if she earns a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
You send your unruly dog to a training school. The dog trainer trains your dog to sit by making a downward hand gesture and giving the dog food each time it comes close to obeying or obeys the command. Soon, the dog learns to sit whenever you make the same hand gesture.
One method used to treat alcoholism is to lace an alcoholic’s drink with a chemical that makes the alcoholic throw up after drinking. After a few repetitions of this treatment, the alcoholic becomes nauseated at the sight and smell of alcoholic drinks.
Your romantic partner always wears the same perfume. Things in the relationship start getting tough and you break up. After a while, you go on a date with a person who happens to be wearing the same perfume as your ex-partner and you immediately lose interest in your date.
At the beginning of the weekend, your mother politely reminds you to clean your room. As the weekend comes to a close, your mother starts incessantly nagging you about your messy room and you quickly start cleaning to make her stop talking.

Respuesta :


1. Operant conditioning

2. Operant conditioning

3. Classical conditioning

4. Classical conditioning

5. Operant conditioning


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