
Fill in the blank with the appropriate direct or indirect object pronoun.

Est-ce que tu dis la verité à tes parents ?

Oui je _____ dis la verité .


Respuesta :

Oui je leur dis la vérité.

Je profite pour demander si tu peux corriger mon texte en anglais car je suis française et c'est un devoir scolaire stp?

Falling down- I want breakfast

We have just watched a video; it is a scene from the movie “Falling down”. A man enters a fast-food restaurant to order breakfast. The waitress refuses him because the breakfasts are no longer served. She offers him lunch. The man gets angry and asks what she calls the manager. He comes in and tells him the same thing, that they stop serving breakfast at 11:30. It’s 11:31. They force him to have lunch, we do not take him into account. They do not ask him for his opinion. This lack of respect, even though he is a customer, that he will pay, drives him crazy. He pulls out a weapon. Everyone is scared! And he asks for breakfast again, the answer is "yes, sire." So, he changes his mind, and decides to choose lunch. He teases people because he made an attack in the fast food for his breakfast and now, he doesn’t want it.

It’s « leur » because they are 2