Constantinople is the largest city in the world. It has around half a million of inhabitants. It is amazing to see so many people on one place. Traders from all around the world are coming here. People from Genoa, Venetian Republic, but even from Egypt and as far as China are bringing their products here. Silk, spices, exotic animals. Everything can be seen here.
People from different religion also. But, most of the Byzantines are Orthodox. When you walk across Constantinople you will see many beautiful churches, but the one that will amaze you the most is church of Saint Sophia. It is an amazing peace of Byzantine art and architecture, with a lot of icons in it. Country's been ruled by an Emperor. He is the main authority and he brings all the decision. He believes that he is legitimate heir of Roman Emperors.
Byzantine Empire was the largest empire in eastern Europe. It lasted for thousand years. Crossroad of many roads, especially trade routes it was the center of the known world. It collapsed in 1453 under the attack of Ottomans.