A baseball fits snugly inside a transparent display cube. The length of an edge of the cube is 2.9 inches.
Is the baseball’s volume greater than, less than, or equal to cubic inches? Explain how you know.

1. A cube’s volume is 512 cubic units. What is the length of its edge?

2. If a sphere fits snugly inside this cube, what is its volume?

3. What fraction of the cube is taken up by the sphere? What percentage is this? Explain or show your reasoning.

Respuesta :


The baseball's volume will be less than the number of cubic inches in the display case. The cube's edge will be 8.

2. If a sphere fits snugly inside this cube, what is its volume?

the volume of a cube is the side^3, 512^(1/3)=8. 3. 4/3pi(r^3)/512,  

3. What fraction of the cube is taken up by the sphere? What percentage is this? Explain or show your reasoning.= the radius will be 4 since the edge of the cube is 8. 4/3pi(4^3)/512, so pi/6 when simplified or 52.3598%.

Step-by-step explanation: