Respuesta :

Nepal has different types of land features,climate,nature vegetation,etc from Terai region in the south to Himalayan region in the north.Plains,valleys,river basins,small hills and highbmountains are the main land features.The climate condition various from hot band humidnclimatento very cold and dry climate.Tundra vegetation like lichens,mosses,Thorne Bush,Tec are found in the Himalayan region.The dud tropical every green forest with the trees like Saal,Sisau,Khayar,bamboo,Tec are found in the Terai region.Different ethnic groups who speak different languages,follow different religions,and have different cultures;tradition,way of life in Nepal.There is the diversity in social,economic,culture,and political aspects of diversity of Nepal.

Different diversity areas of Nepal like land diversity-Nepal has different land features such as plains,mountains,hills,Val,yes,rivers basins,Tec.These land features are within the height of 59 m to 8i48 high above the sea level

Nature diversity-Different types of climate ranging from vet hot to very cold are found in Nepal.

There are varieties of flora and fauna and different ecosystems there in different geographical regions.Nepal has bio-diversity wirh various species of p,ants,birds,animal,Tec.

Agriculture diversity-Different types of crops such as jute,tobacco,parody,maize,milk,buckwheat,Tec.and fruits such as banana,mango,pineapple,Gus vs,Apple,Tec.are grown here.

Colture diversity-Nepal is birth place of Gautam buddha his real name is siddhartha gautam boddha or siddhart gautam buddha,Bhirkuti,Araniko,Jsnak,Sita,etc.They contributed for national identify.

Different social customs,rites and ritusls are practised by different ethnic groups of peop,e.

Several festivals are celebrated nad traditional jatras such as Indrajatra,Gaijatra,Ghodejatra,Kumarijatra,etc.are celebrated here.

Ethnic diversity-Althrought 125 ethnic groups from Aryan and Mongolian races live in Nepal.There is almost 123 languages are spoken in Nepal.

Religious diversity-Nepal is a sacred land of Hinduism and Buddihism,however,other religions such as Tibetan,Islam,Christianity,Kirant,Jainism,Sikhism and Bahai are also equally respected in Nepal.

Class diversity-In Nepal,people are either very poor or very rich.

The gap between the rich and poor people has become a challenges in Nepal.