This distance time graph represents a journey made by Sue.

Work out how much time Sue spends travelling and how much time she spends stationary.

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This distance time graph represents a journey made by Sue Work out how much time Sue spends travelling and how much time she spends stationary If this doesnt ma class=

Respuesta :


stationary time is 2 hours 30 minutes

Traveling time is 3 hours 30 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

There are two distinct line types on the graph

the horizontal ones and the ones going towards the upper part

The horizontal ones represent the stationary positions while the climbing one represent the traveling time

The horizontal ones are;

3 to 3:30


6:30 to 7:30

Time here is ;


minutes + 1 hour + 1 hour = 2 hours 30 minutes

The traveling time;

2 - 3

3:30 to 4

5 to 6:30

7:30 to 8

1 + 30 min + 1hr 30 + 30

= 3 hours 30 minutes


Travelling-3 hours 30 minutes

Stationary-2.5 hours

Step-by-step explanation: