Complete and submit the assignment below, then you can proceed onto the next lesson.

Using the six different question words provided create a set of 6 different questions you can ask to someone you just met and who does not know any English. After creating the questions record yourself reading the questions aloud, upload your file and submit it in the apply dropbox.


Buena Suerte!

Respuesta :

What are the 6 different questions words provided? I guess what , when , where , who , why ( I need one more) I'll do my best. 1.Hola ¿Como te llamas?/What's your name. 2. ¿Quienes son ellos? Los que estan contigo / Who are they? Those who are with you. 3. ¿De donde eres?/ Where are you from? 4.¿Cuando vuelves otra vez?when you come back again?. 5. ¿Por qué no se quedan por mas tiempo? / why don't you stay for more time?