Choose the word or phrase that best matches the word in italics for questions 1–3.
1. He searched doggedly for his favorite socks. (1 point)
with great determination
on all fours
with agitation
2. The tornado precluded our trip to the zoo. (1 point)
made impossible
3. I am sick of the reprimands I get from my driver’s ed instructor! (1 point)

Match the definitions to the words in questions 4–8 by filling in the correct letter.

A. punishment; revenge
B. puzzling; obscure
C. desirable; longed for
D. prey; target
E. temperate; soothing

4. quarry (1 point)

5. retribution (1 point)

6. balmy (1 point)

7. coveted (1 point)

8. cryptic (1 point)

Respuesta :

1. He searched doggedly for his favorite socks. - with great determination
2. The tornado precluded our trip to the zoo. - made impossible
3. I am sick of the reprimands I get from my driver’s ed instructor! - scoldings
4. quarry - D. prey, target
5. retribution - A. punishment, revenge
6. balmy - E. temperate, soothing
7. coveted - C. desirable, longed for
8. cryptic - B. puzzling, obscure

The correct answers are the following:

1. he searched doggedly for his favorite socks. with great determination. doggedly means "in a manner that shows tenacity and persistence."

2. The tornado precluded our trip to the zoo. made impossible. Precluded means "prevent something or make it impossible."

3. I am sick of the reprimands I get from the driver's ed instructor. Scoldings. A reprimand is a formal expression for disapproval.

4.D prey; target; quarry: a quarry is "a heap of the game killed in a hunt.

5.A Punishment; revenge; retribution: punishment inflicted on someone as a revenge for a wrong.

6.E temperate; soothing; balmy: having the qualities of balm, soothing, warm, pleasant.

7.C desirable; longed for; coveted: something that is desired or envied.

8.B. puzzling, obscure, cryptic: something enigmatic, mysterious.