1. The Mughal Empire was established by
A) Akbar
B) Babur
C) Ali
D) Fatima

2. In what way was the Islamic expansion into India similar to the way Islam expanded in other areas?
A) Islamic expansion into India was facilitated by both Islamic merchants and conquerors.
B) Islamic expansion into India was facilitated by a receptive Hindu population.
C) Islamic expansion into India was facilitated by a class of Asian warriors known as Sultans.
D) Islamic expansion into India was facilitated by a powerful Arabian navy launched in the 11th century.

3. Which best describes the Muslim presence in North Africa in the late seventh and early eighth centuries?
A) Trade connections gave Islam a presence in cities and ports where merchants went.
B) Muslim missionaries first traveled throughout North Africa, and armies followed later.
C) Islam slowly converted the peoples of North Africa without a military takeover.
D) Muslim armies carried their faith west across the top of the entire continent.

4. Which of the following statements best describes Islam's spread from the seventh through the 17th century?
A) Military conquests by the Arab Empire and traders of Islamic faith were the primary means for spreading Islam to Africa, Europe, and Asia.
B) Islam reached North, Sub-Saharan, and East Africa, but did not take hold in Asia.
C) The Arab Empire rejected military conquest, therefore trade and missionaries were the primary means for spreading Islam beyond the Arabian Peninsula.
D) The spread of Islam was limited to the areas of the Arabian Peninsula where Muhammad traveled.

5. "The city of Baghdad formed two vast semi-circles on the right and left banks of the Tigris, twelve miles in diameter. The numerous suburbs, covered with parks, gardens, villas and beautiful promenades, and plentifully supplied with rich bazaars, and finely built mosques and baths, stretched for a considerable distance on both sides of the river. In the days of its prosperity the population of Baghdad and its suburbs amounted to over two millions! ...The long wide estrades at the different gates of the city were used by the citizens for gossip and recreation or for watching the flow of travelers and country folk into the capital. The different nationalities in the capital had each a head officer to represent their interests with the government, and to whom the stranger could appeal for counsel or help."
—William Stearns Davis, ed., Readings in Ancient History: Illustrative Extracts from the Sources, 2 Vols. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1912-13), Vol. II: Rome and the West, pp. 365-367

Considering this excerpt written by the Arab geographer Yakut in the 13th century, what can we say about Islamic Baghdad at that time?
A) It tolerated a diverse population.
B) It forbade the practice of other religions.
C) It excluded non-Muslims from the city.
D) It imposed laws to limit the rights of non-Muslims.

Respuesta :

1. Correct answer is: B) Babur

Babur was a conqueror from Central Asia who managed to lay the foundations for the Mughal dynasty in 1526, in the Indian subcontinent. He managed to conquer Northern India, and century and a half later, his successors expanded his empire to whole Indian subcontinent.

2. Correct answer is: A) Islamic expansion into India was facilitated by both Islamic merchants and conquerors.

Islamic merchants spread Islamic religion and culture through trade, and later, with the arrival of Islamic Sultans, Islamic expansion was induced through military conquest in certain areas. Islamic expansion was rapid in India, because it did not encounter much resistance.

3. Correct answer is: D) Muslim armies carried their faith west across the top of the entire continent.

With the expansion of Islam in the 7th century AD, Muslim conquerors managed to spread Islam in North Africa, across Southern Europe (Spain, Portugal), and the Near East. With the decline of The Byzantine Empire, Islam gained ideal conditions for rapid expansion.

4. Correct answer is: A) Military conquests by the Arab Empire and traders of Islamic faith were the primary means for spreading Islam to Africa, Europe, and Asia.

By using all the available means, Islam managed to be widely accepted, from Indonesia to Spain, especially because it was tolerant religion and even non-Arabian people could achieve high positions (even the title of Grand Vizier, the right hand of Sultan).

5. Correct answer is: A) It tolerated a diverse population.

Islam, being a tolerant religion, was not enforced, but people that accepted this religion had more favorable position in the state. Islam accepted different religions and cultures that influenced its development.