
Viola finds herself in the land of Illyria after the shipwreck. Based on information in this lesson and your own knowledge, why do you think Viola decided to put on men’s clothing and pretend to be a man?

Respuesta :

Men tend to get ahead, Viola wanted that force.

A shipwreck lands Viola on the shores of Illyria, a new and strange place for her. Viola is conscious of the fact that it would be difficult for her to survive as a single woman in a strange land. She would need to earn a living, and there was no job she could take up without calling undue attention to herself. In order to safeguard her chastity and be able to look out for herself, she figures that she will have to disguise herself as a boy. This disguise would enable her to enjoy more freedom and more opportunities. She learns about the lovesick Duke Orsino and Countess Olivia, who has gone into self-imposed seclusion to mourn the loss of her brother. Viola, disguised as a young man, decides to take up the job of a page in Orsino’s household.