Borrowed Words and Useful Cognates and False Cognates

1. Select the response that best answers the question.
Which of the following is a word borrowed from the Spanish language and used in the English language?
A. El poncho
B. El sándwich
C. El champú
D. El zíper

2. Which of the following is a word borrowed from the English language and used in the Spanish language?
A. El poncho
B. El sándwich
C. La salsa
D. La piñata

3. Identify the cognate in the following passage.
Hola, Silvia. ¿Dónde estás?
Hola, Enrique. Aquí en el balcón.
A. Silvia
B. Enrique
C. Balcón
D. estás

Respuesta :

I agree with the person above.
1. English borrowed the word A. el poncho from Spanish, and Spanish borrowed champu, ziper, and sandwich from English.
2. B. El sandwich is the word that Spanish borrowed from English.
3. The cognate in this sentence is the word C. balcon, or balcony in English.