Under the Florida constitution, Florida voters have the power to recall any state official from his or her position initiate laws and hold referendums on existing laws change the state legislature to a unicameral system amend the state constitution only once per year

Respuesta :

in Florida voters have the power to record any States official from his or her position in life because they are citizens and they were born here

The correct answer is B.

Florida voters have the power to initiate laws and hold referendums on existing laws.

Florida's constitution of 1968 allows citizens to amend the constitution by initiative ( petitioning by a state's citizens). Citizens can propose and vote on amendments directly, without the need of legislative referral. A sufficient number of citizens must sign a petition requesting a constitutional amendment in order to be able to vote on it. All amendments proposed must be approved by 60% by the voters, in a referendum held simultaneously with the next general election.

The first initiative to be voted on and approved was so called ' sunshine law' that requires public disclosure of financial interests and campaign finances of candidates for office.