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Napoleon Bonaparte returned in Paris from his disastrous Egyptian campaign on October 1799. France's situation had been improved by a series of victories but Republic was bankrupt and the ineffective Directory was unpopular with the French population.
During the first French Republic (1792-1804), France experienced 3 different forms of government in search of stability. The first form of government was the National Convention where extreme violence predominated, ruled between Girondins and Jacobins. In the three years that this perios lasted there was a huge repression against the opposition and ended in a coup.
The second form of government was the directory. This period was dominated by moderation and what marks this time is the constant war against the monarchical nations. They overthrew goverments and imposed liberal governments loyal to France. It is during these campaigns in Italy, Austria and Egypt that Napoleon Bonaparte begins to take on importance. The directory enden with a coup by Napoleon, which had established itself as the best general of France.
The third form of government was the Consulate, which consisted of 3 consuls, but Napoleon was in charge of legislating to appoint consul lifetime for the constiution. Napoleon began to centralize the administration and powers in Paris that the revolution had divided. Napoleon introduced and reformed many of the French institutions with liberal characteristics and values based on the separation of powers. Thanks to the peace imposed by Napoleon, and the econonomic reforms, France lived years of prosperity.
In 1804 the senate proposed the title of emperor to Napoleon to guarantee the succession of the consul lifetime for his death and avoid the return of the Bourbons. To achieve this the Senate gave Napoleon the legitimacy given by the people in elections. The title of emperor was voted in referendum to have legitimacy, winning by wide majority of votes.