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earth day
The diminishing fresh water resources!
The burning forests!
The wildlife that are towards extinction!
The Planet getting poisonous! There are much more crisis the world is facing and bringing the awareness for the same is quite important. World Earth Day is an event that is celebrated annually on April 22, exemplify support for environmental protection. Earth day was observed for the first time in 1970. Today, more than 19 countries are a part of this great event every year and the same is coordinated by Earth Day Network.
Most of us know that the World is facing many serious environmental issues. But how many of us know what needs to be done in order to take part in stopping this global issue. If each one of us understand and take responsibility in saving Mother Earth it is definitely a possible change.
Few things that we can take up as initiatives on Earth Day can help in meeting the big cause. To recycle things that can be reused by doing so. For example, recycling paper instead of wasting it can save many mature trees. Avoid throwing plastic in every place. Use bins to throw your wastes. There are trillions of plastics that are dumping the oceans of Earth. It is evident that if we act wisely before wasting any resource, the damage we contribute to the planet will reduce considerably.
Creating awareness to people who are ignorant is yet another way to Save Earth and her resources from endanger. Spread initiatives and live an example so that others will follow it. There is nothing as good as contributing to Earth Day than helping to fix the environment.