i) With an eight digit binary number, there are 2⁸, or 256 possible combinations.
ii) Each digit is set to 1 or 0 for exactly half of all combinations. This means that half of all strings, or 256 / 2 = 128 strings end with a zero.
iii) 3/4, or 128 + 64 = 192 of the combinations have a 1 for either the second or fourth digit. If you consider:
Half of all digits will have the second bit set to 1
Half of all digits will have the fourth bit set to 1
Half of those will overlap
Then that's half the digits, plus half the digits, minus half of half the digits. 1/2 + 1/2 - 1/4 = 3/4
iv) This is a duplicate of iii, so again, 192
b) If we're allowed to repeat the usage of the digits, then answer would be the number of values available to the power of the number of digits used. We're allowed six distinct digits, so the total combination of 9 digit numbers would be 6⁹, or 10077696
c) In this case we can look at it simply as permutations of the set {"ABC", "D", "E", "F"}, which gives us 4! which equals 24