Peter Diamandis is an X Prize founder and thinks positively large. He dedicated his life to the mission. Peter never achieved his dreams he had as a 9 year-old boy of following the Apollo astronauts to the moon, but toady he is a huge inspiration on entrepreneurship. He is an entrepreneur who is more empowered than anyone in history. "To bring about radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity." Offering a big cash prize for a specific accomplishment. Before Peter ran X Prize Foundation he ran a company that studied low- cost launching technologies and Zero-G which offers the public a chance to rain like an astronaut and experience weightlessness. Now after reaching 10 million dollars his goal is now to extend the prize into health care, social policy, education, and many other fields that need competitive innovation. So the inspiration from him is saying even though you haven't accomplished your dreams, there are so many more opportunities out there that you can accomplish and it can be in that field of study. Just not to give up on finding your career because "The future is better than you think!"