We need to answer this question choosing the most logical answer. So, in this question, we ask for three things, namely: the keyboard (el teclado), the clock (el reloj) and the computer (la computadora).
Therefore, the answers are as follows:
1. ¿Dónde está el teclado?
The right answer is C-
El teclado está al lado del ratón (The keyboard is next to the mouse).
Suppose you have a computer, this is a logical answer because you find the mouse beside the keyboard.
2. ¿Dónde está el reloj?
The right answer is B-
El reloj está encima de la puerta (The clock is above the door)
This is a logical answer because in a house you can find a clock on the wall above the door.
3. ¿Dónde está la computadora?
The right answer is C-
La computadora está en el escritorio (The computer is in the desktop)
This is a logical answer because the common place to find a computer is in fact in the desktop.