12 things to do when your bored:

1.) "I LIKE POTS."

2.) "THIS....IS....SPARTA!!!"

3.) While sitting in a desk during class, wrap your legs around the front pegs of your desk and grab the top with your arms. Remain like this and occasionally rock back and forth.

4.) (Also to be done during class) Whenever you raise your hand and the teacher calls on someone other than you, whisper "incorrect" to whoever the teacher had called on after they give their answer/useless opinion.

5.) Walk backwards with your feet apart.

6.) "I like to mash potatoes with my toes."

7.) "Ever wonder what a vegetable thinks about?"

8.) "My grandma irons her diapers."

9.) "I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die."

10.) Point at someone and shout "You're one of them!". Run and pretend to trip.

11.) When someone says "Have a nice day!" stare at them and say, "Don't tell me what to do!"

12.) Put a letter in the post box addressed to "Mr. Postman" thanking him for all his hard work.