1. How did construction of aqueducts most impact Roman life? (1 point)
A. enhanced understanding of human ailments and injuries
B. improved public sanitation and access to fresh water
C. sped up transportation across the empire
D. made it easier for Roman officials to rule the provinces
2. How did the Roman empire support its expansion and integrate culture on three continents? (1 point)
A. The construction of roads and bridges facilitated trade and communication.
B. Merchants, artisans, and engineers were granted upper-class status, securing their loyalty.
C. Building aqueducts, monuments, and other public works employed more people and generated income.
D. The empire imposed Roman religious beliefs and required subjected peoples to adopt the Latin language.
3. Which of the following is significant about the law of nations? (1 point)
A. It declared people are innocent until proven guilty.
B. It gave citizens the right to a trial by jury.
C. It promoted the rule of law.
D. It outlined penalties for crimes.
4. How did Romans use science and mathematics to improve the lives of the Roman people? (1 point)
A. They developed telescopes to accurately map the solar system.
B. They built roads, aqueducts, and harbors and improved public health.
C. they developed the use of columns in their architecture.
D. They developed the first vaccine for smallpox.
5. Which basic principle of today’s laws was unfamiliar to citizens of ancient Rome? (1 point)
A. The accused can face the accuser and mount a defense.
B. Everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
C. People of all social classes receive equal treatment.
D. Judges study the laws and come to fair decisions.
6. What did the poet Horace mean by these words?
Greece has conquered her rude conqueror.
(1 point)
A. Although Rome ruled Greece, Greece controlled the Roman senate.
B. Although Greece conquered Rome, Rome conquered Greece culturally.
C. Although Greece excelled in cultural achievements, Rome had little respect for Greece.
C. Although Rome conquered Greece, Greece conquered Rome culturally.
7. Which important new idea did Ptolemy put forward? (1 point)
A. The sun is the center of the universe.
B. The earth is round.
C. Comets have oval orbits.
D. The earth is the center of the universe.
8. Which reforms by Augustus helped unify the empire and integrate cultures? Select all that apply. (2 points)
A. He made the senate into an efficient civil service.
B. He allowed cities and provinces a great deal of self-government.
C. He ordered scholars to collect all provincial laws.
D. He conducted a census to use as a basis for fairer taxation.

Respuesta :

1. improved public sanitation and access to fresh water

2. The construction of roads and bridges facilitated trade and communication.

3. It promoted the rule of law.

4. They built roads, aqueducts, and harbors and improved public health.

5. People of all social classes receive equal treatment.

6. Although Rome conquered Greece, Greece conquered Rome culturally.

7. The earth is the center of the universe.

8. He allowed cities and provinces a great deal of self-government. He conducted a census to use as a basis for fairer taxation.
The correct answer for 1 is B. improved public sanitation and access to fresh water.

The Romans built aqueducts that went deep into mountains in order to have fresh water come from river sources all the way down to people in cities. This meant that they could bathe more or have fresh water to drink or wash their clothes and all of it improved the general sanitation.

The correct answer for 2 is a. The construction of roads and bridges facilitated trade and communication.

They built roads towards Rome that could be used by armies and traders and messengers and everything could be done much faster than before. This made it possible to connect the empire more since people could travel much faster than before since the roads were of the highest quality.

The correct answer for 3 is C. It promoted the rule of law

This was important because for Romans law was everything and nobody was above law. Their law was strict and written on 12 tablets and everyone had to abide by it and they believed that nobody was stronger than the law. This is what the rule of law means.

The correct answer for 4 is B. They built roads, aqueducts, and harbors and improved public health.

They built aqueducts that provided fresh water to cities and this made the sanitation levels better. They built harbors where merchants could come and bring new things and these were great trading hubs. They built roads that connected the entire empire and made it much safer. All of these made the empire stronger and were possible because of scientific developments.

The correct answer for 5 should be C. People of all social classes receive equal treatment.

There were two main classes, patricians and the plebeians, and they were like the nobles and the commoners. They had different set of laws apply to them differently. They all had to respect what was law but the law applied differently to them. This is not common now since now all people are equal.

The correct answer for 6 should be C. Although Rome conquered Greece, Greece conquered Rome culturally.

Rome did conquer Greece physically and control its territory but its culture was based on Greek culture. The gods and myths were just like copies of the Greek ones, and Roman writers and poets were heavily influenced by those from Greek like those who wrote during the Dionysus festivals or similar.

The correct answer for 7 should be D. The earth is the center of the universe.

Ptolemy made the geocentric theory that stated that Earth is the center of the universe and all planets and stars revolve around it. It was later proven by people like Galileo or Copernicus that the Earth was actually moving around the Sun but this was understood as heresy so they had to hide their theories.

The correct answers for 8 are B. He allowed cities and provinces a great deal of self-government and D. He conducted a census to use as a basis for fairer taxation.

The idea of collecting all laws came later during Justinian who ordered people to gather it all. He gave regions higher autonomy which made it easier to govern the entire empire if you put successful and good people as rulers of these autonomous places. The census was made to make the common people more equal to the rich nobles.