Respuesta :
Birth - Percy is a son of the greek god Poseidon.
Call to Adventure - well Percy fainted and got brought to camp half blood where he was blamed for taking the bolt so he and Annabeth and Grover went to get it back
supernatural aid - none, in fact the gods try their best to show Percy up or kill him, apart from some
crossing the threshold - Percy came into a world where the gods are real
tests - they meet monster which want to eat them and go into a hotel where they are trapped
initiation - they get help from Lord Ares, the god of war but he's not really helping percy, he just wants to help a war
Approcahcing the inmost cave - yeah Percy and his friends go to the underworld to get the bolt from Hades but Kronos the titan lord is waiting for them, then Hades tries to kill percy
climas/final battle - Percy fights with Ares and takes the bolt back to Zeus who judges Percy on weather he should live or not
supreme ordeal - Percy comes back to camp and Luke nearly kills him with poison, Luke tells Percy he is the thief and he leaves Percy to die. Percy is dying on the floor when the tree Nymphs save him and carry him back to Chiron where Percy starts to heal
Road back - Percy is already back at camp and he needs to make up his mind if he is staying or returning back to the mortal world
transformation - he's not scared of the gods as much as he was before and he wants to make his father proud
Home - In the end Percy goes back to his mother but he remember to return to Chiron a year later for more training