
Write a short paper (at least 300 words) about one of the following suggested topics or choose one of your own. My topic is "The Person I Most Admire" which is my big brother
I don't know how I should preference this I really just need an outline to help me get started if that makes sense. If possible please be quick. Thank You

Respuesta :


Three hundred words is about the length of a paragprah with 6 senteces. First, say that sentence "the person i admire most is my big brother". Say the next four sentences about why you admire him and how you view him as. In the sixth and final sentence, restate your answer and say "that is why I admire my big brother"


Three hundred words is about the length of a paragprah with 6 senteces. First, say that sentence "the person i admire most is my big brother". Say the next four sentences about why you admire him and how you view him as. In the sixth and final sentence, restate your answer and say "that is why I admire my big brother"
