03.01 Assignment
In this lesson, you learned how the U.S. began to turn from isolation to imperialism. Complete the following written assignment to show your understanding of these changes
Select three events from the list of five given below- one showing isolationism, one showing intervention, and one showing imperialism. Using complete sentences, write paragraph describing
the event and explaining whether it should be categorized as isolationism, intervention, or imperialism. In a second paragraph, explain the reason for the US course of action in each event
• The United States annexes Hawaii in 1900,
• The United States declines to give aid to Hungarian patriots in 1849.
• The United States proposes the Open Door Policy in 1899.
• The United States annexes Samoa in 1899
• The United States attempts to mediate in the Venezuela-Great Britain dispute in 1895.

Respuesta :


• The United States annexes Hawaii in 1900 - Imperialism

This annexation was a form of American Imperialism because Hawaii used to be an independent, self-governing country at the time. American annexed the country, and ended the Hawaiian monarchy, making Hawaii an American territory, in other words, a colony, although it would become a state in 1959.

• The United States attempts to mediate in the Venezuela-Great Britain dispute in 1895 - Interventionism

This is a form of American interventionism because the U.S. intervened in the affairs of two independent countries: Venezuela and Great Britain. This intervention was influenced by the Monroe Doctrine: the doctrine that stated that Latin America was part of the U.S. sphere of influence, and that European powers should not intervene there.

• The United States declines to give aid to Hungarian patriots in 1849. - Isolationism

This decline is a form of American isolationism because the U.S. refused to give aid to the patriotic Hungarian cause, and decided instead to say away from European affairs, and more specifically, Austro-Hungarian affairs.

The three events and their categories are given as follows:

The United States annexes Hawaii in 1900 -

  • Imperialism

The United States attempts to mediate in the Venezuela-Great Britain dispute in 1895 -

  • Interventionism

The United States declines to give aid to Hungarian patriots in 1849. -

  • Isolationism

According to the given questions, we are asked to give the correct labels to the actions of the United States in the late 1800s.

As a result of this, we can see that the United States at different times between 1849- 1900 practised some courses of action which they thought was best for their interests.

With this in mind, by annexing Hawaii, they were practising Imperialism, with the mediation attempts in the Venezuela-Great Britain dispute, they attempted interventionism, and with their refusal to provide aid, they engaged in isolationism.

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