Activity 1: Punnett Square - Dog

Complete the Punnett square. A dog with dominant black hair (Bb) is bred with a dog with brown hair (bb).


Answer the questions below.

a. What is the probability of a puppy being black or brown?

b. Which dog is heterozygous for hair color?

Activity 2: Punnett Square - Cat

Complete the Punnett square for a dihybrid cross of a new type of cat: PpRr (mother) x ppRr (father)

Where P is dominant for pink fur and p is recessive for purple fur. R is dominant for green nose and r is recessive for blue nose.


Answer the questions below.

a. What traits does the mother cat have?

b. What traits does the father cat have?

c. What is the probability a kitten will have pink fur and a blue nose?

d. What is the probability a kitten will have purple fur and a green nose?

e. Are the kittens more likely to look like the mother or the father?