Directions: Follow the directions under each section of the workshop. Make sure your work is clear and legible,
and contains proper capitalization, grammar, spelling, and punctuation where applicable.
Section Vill: Revising Errors
Revise the following passage to correct two fragments, one run-on sentence, one dangling modifier, and
one misplaced modifier
"Simone Biles"
Simone Biles is an American gymnast from Texas. She and her siblings grew up in foster care they were
eventually adopted. At six years old, a field trip to a gym inspired her to train as a gymnast. She entered
many competitions and improved her skills. At the 2013 American Cup, she competed in place of an
injured teammates unfortunately, Simone fell off the beam during competition and placed second. Her
2014 season did not start on time with an injured shoulder. Luckily, she her injury. Through hard work and
determination, she became the first woman to hold three consecutive all-around titles in the World
Gymnastics Championships. When she entered the 2016 Olympics, already the reigning national champion,
Biles ended up winning four gold medals.