To fully understand the new epoch we are living in, it is useful to compare it to past epochs and consider how human activity is shaping Earth. Sort the events below based on whether they occurred before or during the Anthropocene.

a. The first oxygen-producing bacteria evolved, creating the oldest fossils on Earth.
b. In the last decade, the black rhinoceros of West Africa became extinct.
c. Sixty-six million years ago, a massive asteroid struck Earth, resulting in the extinction of three-quarters of all plant and animal life, including dinosaurs.
d. Drainage patterns across the globe are altered due to dams and road building.
e, Atmospheric CO2 has increased more quickly, and to higher concentrations, than during any other part of geologic time.

Respuesta :


A, C, E, D, B


I am not sure exactly what order to put them in based on the formatting of the question because E, D, and B all happened during the Anthropocene period.

A was before the Anthropocene

C was before the Anthropocene

B was during

D was during

E was during