Without the indispensable advice of the business community, TVET Institutions will be unable to cover the gap in career knowledge required by the business community. To develop workers who possess the knowledge and skills required by today's business entities, there is always the continual need for the educational institutions (gown) to regularly meet the business community (town). This meeting provides the necessary ground for the institutions to develop programs that groom the workforce with skills that are needed in the current workplace. Educational institutions that do not seek this important advice from the business community risk developing workers with outdated skills.
TVET Institutions mean Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions. They play an important role in equipping young people to enter the world of work. They also continue to develop programs that will improve the employability of workers throughout their careers. They regularly respond to the changing labor market needs, adopt new training strategies and technologies, and expand the outreach of their training to current workers while grooming the young people for work.