Which of these passages would best support the theme "Dwelling on the past can't
help you build a solid future"?
A. Andre hated Christnias. He hated birthdays and Valentine's Day, too.
Easter was awful; Thanksgiving was torture. In fact, the only thing he
looked forward to the entire year was President's Day. And only one
other person knew why.
B. She remembered vividly the day they moved to England: She saw a man
in a bowler hat eating a large green apple, and she felt she had fallen into
a painting by René Magritte.
C. Sonja pressed her fingertips against the frosted pane and squinted
through the glass at the snow-covered landscape.
D. Even though most people tended to gather near the back of the boat,
where the air was still, Amber stayed up front, her hand holding her hair
still in the wind, her eyes searching along the shore for something she
hadn't seen before.