Do you think DDT should be used in Africa to combat malaria? Why or why not? What do you think the future consequences will be in Africa due to using DDT? Your opinion needs to be backed by reasons. Answers should be at least five sentences long.

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No, that's a horrible idea. If we were to use DDT to combat Malaria in Africa, it could bring unparalleled consequences. DDT is known to be harmful to humans and even animals. If we were to use it, we would just be replacing one problem with another and, all of a sudden you'll have people on the ground shaking with seizures. Malaria can be treated, without the usage of DDT that does not leave lasting consequences. DDT as previously mentioned has multiple life-threatening symptoms such as seizures, tremors, vomiting, and shakiness. For the reasons written above, numerous countries have banned its usage including the United States. According to the CDC, "Liver cancer occurred in lab mice that were fed large amounts of DDT. Some studies in humans linked DDT levels in the body with breast cancer, but other studies have not made this link. Other studies in humans have linked exposure to DDT/DDE with having lymphoma, leukemia, and pancreatic cancer." I acknowledge that DDT is effective in combatting insect-borne diseases such as malaria, but this is only when used properly, and I honestly do not have enough faith to hope that there will be no human error. Point being, what is the purpose of eliminating a disease to replace it with another problem.


there we go