Which of these introductory paragraphs is missing a thesis statement?
What's worse, seeing your roommate's dirty socks in a pile in your dorm, or having to wake up a half hour earlier to drive to class instead of simply walking across campus? For many students, college is the first time they will live away from the comforts of their childhood homes. College is a time for making the first of life's many grown-up decisions. It is important to consider both the benefits and drawbacks to living on- or off-campus in order to have the best experience during your college career.
Every two seconds, people destroy an area of forest the size of a football field. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of wooded areas in order to use the land for other reasons. Rainforests are especially vulnerable; logging, cattle ranching, and agriculture are three main reasons for their destruction. Rainforests are essential to our planet, but they are being destroyed by deforestation at an alarming rate. Society needs to become informed about the value of these precious ecosystems.
Did you know that there are over 33 grams of sugar in a can of soda? That is over the daily limit of total sugar for most people. So if just having one can of soda can put you over your daily limit, think about how all the sugar in cookies, candy, and other treats can add up. The average American has up to 82 grams of sugar each day. That's almost three times the recommended amount!
Author Donna Lynn Hope wondered, "How different would people act if they couldn't show off on social media? Would they still do it?” Do we truly act differently in real life than we used to before the advent of social media? Do we do things we wouldn't have done before, just to post our experiences online? It is possible for our virtual interactions to change or even decrease the way we relate in real life? In fact, overuse of social media in place of face-to-face interactions can negatively affect how we connect as a society.