Multicellular organism
1.Body is made up of numerous cells.
2.Division of labour may be at cellular, tissue, organ and organ system level. It gives high degree of operational efficiency.
3.Different cells are specialized to perform different functions.
4.Only outer cells are specialized to face the environment. Inner cells are devoted to other functions.
5.Injury or death of some cells does not affect the organisms as the same can be replaced by new one.
Unicellular organism
1.Body is made up of single cell
2.Division of labour is at the organelle level. It gives a low level of operational efficiency.
3. A single cell carries out all the life processes
4.The cell body is exposed to the environment on all sides
5.An injury of the cells can cause death of the organism.
Multicellular and unicellular organisms are similar in a way that they show almost all the life functions and processes such as reproduction and metabolism.