Write a program that contains a class to encapsulate a word that is entered by the user. An appropriate accessor method should be written and used. Write appropriate methods to do the following: Convert the word to all lowercase letters. Scramble the word into all possible permutations and store them in a list or array. Sort the permutations in alphabetical order. Display the list of permutations. Report the number of permutations. Test all constructors and methods using a separate driver class.

Respuesta :

Answer:import random

class Word(object):

   def __init__(self):

       self.word = ""

   def set_word(self, word):

       self.word = word

   def lowercase(self):

       self.word = self.word.lower()

   def scramble(self):

       length = len(self.word)

       perm = 1

       for x in range(1, length+1):

           perm *= x

       scrambled = list()

       for i in range(0, perm):

           woo = [x for x in self.word]



       scrambled = sorted(scrambled)


       print(f"Number of permutations: {len(scrambled)}")

d = Word()





The python program defines a class called "Word" that uses an accessor "set_word" to pass in a string value to the object variable "self.word". The lowercase() method converts the string to lowercase if it is capitalized and the scramble() method returns a list of possible rotations of the letters of the word.